Thursday, December 1, 2016

Prince Harry and Rihanna tease one another while taking HIV tests on World Aids Day,"You Made It Seems Like It Hurts"..


Prince Harry and pop superstar Rihanna exchanged in some light teasing of one another as the high-profile pair took HIV tests together in Barbados to promote World Aids Day
The duo, who shared a stage on Wednesday night during 50th anniversary celebrations of the country’s independence, visited a clinic in Bridgetown to undergo the procedure and urged residents to follow their lead.

Harry, 32, persuaded the 28-year-old Umbrella singer to take the test in public when they chatted backstage at a concert at the Kensington Oval cricket ground in Bridgetown. The results were both negative. The royal teased the star before she took the test by saying the process was painful but the global icon shot back after Harry winced during his examination. Rihanna told Harry after a pin was stuck in her finger, “You made it seem like it hurts," adding: "It's not as painful as you said this morning."
While they waited for their results, the pair spent the next 20 minutes touring stalls set up in the centre of the capital Bridgetown to promote the Man Aware campaign, urging men in Barbados to get tested.
On Wednesday, Harry said he wanted everyone to get tested for HIV on a visit at a Barbados hospital. He told paediatric consultant and HIV expert Dr Amok Kumar,  "I want to say to everyone who hadn't been tested - get tested, regardless of who you are, your background, culture or religion."
"Because of the success of these drugs, which is great, we are now suffering from complacency and risk going back 10 or 20 years." Aids workers worry that many Caribbean men are unaware that they are carrying the HIV virus and risk infecting others and becoming seriously ill because they refuse to get tested early due to the stigma surrounding the illness. Harry public underwent a HIV test during the summer in London and admitted he was nervous before the result came back negative.

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