Saturday, December 31, 2016

wow!! How New Mum Was Able To Lose 7.5 Stone After Finding Messages From Cheating Husband To Lover, Calling Her 'Fat.

BETSY AYALA 7.5 stone after finding nasty comments her cheating husband and his lover made about her

A new mum self-conscious about her pregnancy weight has completely transformed herself after discovering messages her cheating husband sent to his lover attacking her size.
Betsy Ayala, 34, from Houston, Texas, lost more than seven stone after finding the upsetting message - and she couldn't look more different.The new mum tipped the scales at 18.7stone after giving birth to her daughter, Isabella, back in 2013.Suffering from post-natal depression, anxiety and in a strained relationship, Betsy was the heaviest she had ever been in her life and in a vicious cycle of eating to "self-medicate".In an attempt to get healthier and deal with her life-long weight issues, she started using Herbalife shakes.But the real boost to her weight loss efforts came after finding out about her partner's infidelity.Six months after welcoming their daughter into the world, Betsy discovered her husband was having an affair.

BETSY AYALA 7.5 stone after finding nasty comments her cheating husband and his lover made about her

Betsy said, "I started in September and was doing okay until two days after Christmas, when I found out my husband was cheating on me with a co-worker."I had been with him since I was 17 and pretty much devoted my life to our relationship and him."I was devastated. I found out through some messages I read on his Facebook where they were calling me a cow and a fat f*** and just trashing me and my whole world fell apart."He would always tell me I looked fine or would try to get me to eat junk all the time which is why I was so devastated when I read those messages because it was almost like he enabled me or wanted me to stay that way."In March the next year she started a motivational work out with her sister, doing dance and Zumba three days a week.She then started running and weight lifting at the gym six times a week while sticking to a high protein diet. Now the single mum is a svelte 159lbs or 11.3stone.
BETSY AYALA 7.5 stone after finding nasty comments her cheating husband and his lover made about her

Betsy said, "I'm a completely different person both on the inside and outside because of my outlook on everything."I was always very negative and had a chip on my shoulder because I was unhappy with me."I'm happier, I'm confident and most of all I'm positive."I know that I'm capable of so much and I'm so happy to set a good example for my daughter which is extremely important for me."
And she even considers her husband's cheating as a "blessing" because it helped her to break the cycle and give her the fresh start she had hoped for. She said: "I didn't know what to do with myself at the time."I was still over 200lbs with a 6-month-old and everything that I had worked for had just vanished."Now I honestly feel that what he did was a blessing because otherwise I would have been the way I was forever."

BETSY AYALA loses 7.5 stone after finding nasty comments her cheating husband and his lover made about her

She added, "My ex-husband and I are actually good now."It took me a while to get to that place of forgiveness but what he did was about him and not me.
"My journey has really helped me understand that."

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