Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Vacancy! Vacancy!! Vacancy!!! For All Graduates with BA, B. SC in Nigeria and other Commonwealth Countries

Pls forward to anyone/group that may to benefit:  HMRC is recruiting for 200 graduates as Tax professionals to be developed into seni or HMRC positions through a 4 year development programme. Starting salary is £27,000 to £29000 rising to  £47,000 to £53000 by end of the development program.
You do not have to be an accountant to apply. You will be trained. Minimum qualification is a 2.2 hons degree. Does not have to be a UK degree. Applications are open to Commonwealth citizens, EEA and UK citizens. Application closes on Nov 24 , so if you are interested will be good to apply on time a s there are some tests. More information and how to apply can be found at following web address.                        https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tax-professional-development-programme

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