Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Lol..!! Mannequin Challenge Gone Bad, As These ‘Gangstas’ Were arrested after police spot their mannequin challenge with guns..

'Gangstas' arrested after police spot their mannequin challenge with guns

It probably seemed like a good idea at the time but this take on the mannequin challenge landed two people in police custody.

The video shows a mock shoot out between two ‘gangs’ in Hunstville, Alabama, with numerous people clutching firearms as the pretend to fire at each other.
However, after footage went viral it was handed to police who decided to investigate and later arrested  Kenneth White, 49, and Terry Brown.
Investigators said they were able to obtain enough probable cause to get a search warrant for the home.‘You have a lot of people with firearms at one address,’ Capt. Mike Salomonsky told WHNT.
‘And you have to ask yourself the question, ‘Why?’ and the second question you have to ask yourself: is it a public safety issue?’
A search of the home found  two hand guns, one assault rifle, one older single barrel shotgun, multiple packs of marijuana, an attack vest, multiple magazines for the assault rifle, multiple rounds of ammunition and a computer.White has been charged with first-degree possession of marijuana and certain persons forbidden to possess a firearm. He has a bond of $30,000.
Brown has been charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, loitering and promoting prison contraband.

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