Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Transgender woman,Tina Healy, Picked Offense After a delivery man called her ‘Sir..!!

Tina Healy said her  female  name was on the order and she was wearing a skirt at the time, but the man looked her up and down and made a point of addressing her as a man.

‘The guy stops. Looks me up and down a couple of times. Stares for a moment. And then makes a decision to call me ‘sir’ a couple if times, even after I clarified my name was Tina,’ she posted on Facebook. The experience made her feel ‘hurt and made me feel ugly,’ she said. She immediately complained to Domino’s, adding: ‘It’s pretty rare these days because progressive businesses educate their staff. Mostly I shrug it off. But sometimes it gets through.’
Tina, from Victoria in Australia, said she was impressed by the response from the pizza company, who called her back to apologise and say staff would be offered better training on diversity. ‘They will address the issue with their training team. Are open to the possibility of Genda contributing to that training process.’ It seems she took down her earlier Facebook post.
A Domino’s spokesman said: ‘We continually work to deliver customer service of the highest standards, and deliver ongoing training to all employees. ‘We have advised our customer we would welcome her input and insight into future training programs, and look forward to continuing this discussion.’

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